all photos & content © Lara Rossignol
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all photos & content © Lara Rossignol
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A cabin tour that's a sight for sore eyes.
The organization + lack of clutter!
The space around objects.
See the full cabin tour here.
All photos by The Vintage Cabin/Becke
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Would love to be the one in this photo, all tucked up cozily because of a snowstorm. We had snow here last night but not enough to shut everyone in. (darn)
Posting has been light this week because of my sudden fatigue. Rumor has it others are going through the same thing right now..reporting unbelievable tiredness. Tis a mystery.
Thankful today though:
[friend's sonogram showed a healthy baby and no sign of the medical issue that was seen before}
[the sun is out]
[it's *this close* to being Friday!]
[purchased nourshing food today at the store....along with yellow tulips to cheer up the apartment!]
[thankful for you.]
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Meet Si of French by Design - the blog and the online shop. Since she's French and I've been enchanted by all things French since I was in high school, I asked Si for an interview. She graciously accepted.
Sunny: What are your thoughts on the image Americans tend to have of the Frenchwoman?
Si: Americans see French women as very sophisticated. It’s not necessarily the case. We can spend hours to get ready but feel completely sexy in a pair of jeans too. It’s a question of self assurance : if you feel great, you usually look great.Also, French women don’t try to fit a mold as much as American women do. We each have our own style and it’s ok not to look like your neighbor or best friend. We actually appreciate the difference. I feel that in America, beauty and style are more standardized.Finally, comfort is as important as look for us. If we don’t feel comfortable and at ease in an outfit, we don’t feel good and sexy. Again, if you don’t feel good, you don’t look good!
Sunny: I agree! So then what is your personal beauty routine?
Si:I don’t wear a lot of make up, most days, I just put some dried power to unify my skin tone. I ALWAYS clean my face at night.I apply a lot of cream (daily cream with SPF for the day and extra moisturizing cream for the night). I do not wear liquid foundation. I use Clarins cream products and Kenzo bamboo and lotus flower moisturizing night cream [Crème Planante KenzoKi - not available yet in the US]. As far as make up : if makeup time exceeds 3 minutes, it’s not for me :eyeliner crayon, mascara, and some moisturizing lip balm {I’m hooked on the Clarins tinted moisturizing lip cream]
Sunny: Do you have a workout routine or do you fit activity into your daily life?
Si: I love running. I have been running for 3+ years – on and off because of a knee injury, but I recently stopped smoking (hey, I’m French!) so I am sticking to a serious running routine as part of the new healthy and smoke-free me : a 30-minute run twice a week and one 1-hour run on the weekend. I also walk a lot and never take my car if I can avoid it.
Sunny: What items are in your clothing wardrobe? Do you have any favoriteitems?
Si: I usually spend more money on classic pieces (leather jacket, white shirt,black dress) and buy cheaper “fashion” pieces – because I know I don’t necessarily need them to last. And for some reason, I find myself less interested in fashion pieces as I age. And I have a thing for shoes and scarves. The right scarf can transform a casual look into a city casual look. Same goes for shoes: a good pair of Italian leather shoes transforms an outfit.
Sunny: Describe your hairstyle and what products you like to use and styles you prefer.
Si: I currently wear my hair long – shoulder length - which is the longest I’ve had. I like it because it’s practical with my running routine and requires less styling {after a run, I just shampoo my hair and let it dry}. I sometimes blowdry my hair straight when I go out and want to look formal or make a fancy chignon, which gives me a stylish look without spending hours styling my hair. I don’t use a lot of products on my hair, expect if I blow dry, then I apply a lavender moisturizer on the ends of my hair (Aveda). I hate hairspray and never use any.
Sunny: Do you have style icons you look up to?
Si: Audrey Hepburn and Charlotte Gainsbourg. Stylish but all natural beauties.
Sunny: What is your decorating style like?
Si: Vintage eclectic. I love to mix and match pieces from different eras. I am a big fan of Scandinavian design and industrial era pieces. And I adore vintage pieces. If I can get an original vintage, I don’t buy a replica or newer replica.
Sunny: Do you favor a minimalist or non-minimalist approach in your home/life?
Si: I tend to stick with the less is more philosophy. After moving internationally a few times, I’ve learned that keeping pieces and furniture you are not attached to does not make sense. So my rule is : if you don’t use it or wear it for more than 6 months, give it away. Plus, chances are you’re helping a needy person. Double bonus. Also, I feel more at ease in a home less furnished and more open in floor plan. In feng shui, anything that blocks the eye blocks the good karma/spirits. I tend to agree.
Sunny: What are your favorite foods/meals?
Si: Wine and cheese [stinky cheese if possible] of course, roasted lamb with pommes de terre sautees [garlic and herbs sautéed potatoes] and tarte tatin (upside down apple tart). I don’t drink sodas when I am thirsty, I stick with water. And coffee, hmmm… haven’t gotten used to American coffee yet so we bought a Nespresso machine. But when my American friends come over, they think my coffee is way too strong…In summer, we cook almost every meal outside on the BBQ and have a lot of grilled veggies and salad to accompany the meat cooked. And we always eat together as a family, always – unless one of us is traveling.
Sunny: Any other thoughts you'd like to share with us about being a Frenchwoman living in the States?
Si: Loving every minute of it, even if I need my French trip fix once or twice a year ;-)
Thank you so much, Si, for your time!
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cute cute cute!
Home of Scout & Catalogue creators Bre & V.
Ever had such a full weekend that you feel the need for an additional weekend to use for recovery?! I'm about to nod off as I type typos may abound. Had a weekend retreat at a lake - gorgeous. Then spent Sunday as fooball day - cheering on the Green Bay Packers as they now head to the Super Bowl. I finally understand football (baseball is more my thing) and was glued to the television yesterday for two different games. Plus some card playing and a delicious dinner made by my friend M.
Now it's a new week and am looking for joy in the little things today: a warm shower, a tasty smoothie, the joy of friends and coworkers who are celebrating our team's win, a sweet note from a friend, a stack of projects to accomplish today, a kitchen/living area to bring to order, flowers to buy to cheer up a few rooms...
What little (or big!) things are bringing you joy today?
photos via Kristin Sjaarda and The Marion House Book
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Admiring these light colors and cute items this morning. Not awake yet but the photos are making me smile :)
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These photos make me happy. If anyone knows the photo source, please tell me. (via Room Service)
Meanwhile, I discovered the blog reader "Bloglovin" which seems to be a fun alternative (for me) to Google Reader. Anyone had experience with Bloglovin vs. Google Reader? Or am I missing all sorts of blog readers?!
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Warning: Blonde Moment ahead.
I drive an older Honda Civic called Sophie. (Well, her name is Sophie when the car is tidy on the inside and sparkling blue on the outside. When all is not well, I just pat the dashboard and tell Sophie I'll make it all better soon.)
Meanwhile, aren't these images by Julian Wass gorgeous?!
Anyhoo...Sophie is not doing well and has three oil leaks ....because she's old. She's 13 years in car years this year ...which is the human equivalent of...86?!
I have to diligently keep up with the oil levels in the car because of the three oil leaks.
A couple weeks ago, my car began making this very loud noise - which a car friend supposed was an exhaust manifold problem. Then a coworker saw oil on the front of Sophie's hood and gasped, warning me that my car COULD START ON FIRE. I shrugged and said I'd check with my car guy.
When Philip, the car guy, finally had time to look at my car, we both laughed at what he found. The oil cap was missing - which is what caused the oil to spill all over the engine (very bad, I know, I'm hanging my head in shame) and also the loud noise. The fix was $10 for a new oil cap and a car wash.
Philip then checked the oil. After three weeks of the car spilling oil, the oil levels remained above normal. Another not good thing. I was gently scolded about the importance of checking the oil levels before putting more oil in the car.
I bet if I were driving my dream car of a cherry red toyota rav4, I wouldn't have these stories about sophie!
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A college friend Rachel Jonas is an amazing photographer. Don't take my word for it....gaze at this stunning sunset photo taken while she was on vacation "in paradise".
Heck, check out her whole blog. I love her photos and her life!
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Posted in bedrooms, childrens room + play area, kitchen - dining | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Thanks for all the questions!! it might be a while before I’m back but keeps sending the questions.
- Tallulah
If you're familiar with the interior design company Sixx Design... the Novogratz family who had a reality show on Bravo about their decorating and house full of kids.... you'll recognize the name Tallulah - she's one of the twin daughters. She has a blog that is all about answering people's questions. It's cute and worth a look!
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yippee! found a new-to-me blog {sunken treasure} that is loads of fun. I adore the author's new home for this new year.
I'm a fan of the "overhead view" photos she took. Lovely!
all images via sunken treasure
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Beautiful bedding for a "tween girl" according to the article, but I think it's gorgeous for any age girl!
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A beautiful home by architect/graphic designer Jenny Francis.
I cannot even pick a favorite room - they're all too pretty.
Details on the rooms' contents can be found here.
photos by Kristin Sjaarda via the marion house book
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I'm a longtime fan of Bea's blog La Tartine Gourmande. Bea is a French expat who lives in Boston with her husband and her daughter Lulu. Bea's blog is full of gorgeous photography and scrumptious looking food. When she revealed her new kitchen to readers, I knew I had to post the photos here for you!
images via la tartine gourmande
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House Doctor's spring 2011 catalog is chock full o' pretty things.
It's Monday. Thought I had the flu this weekend - was exhausted and headachey. Isn't that a cheerful note?! This weekend I did get to see Country Strong (I liked it but it didn't get good reviews), ordered chinese takeout and watched Dinner for Schmucks with a friend, then the next day watched football (go packers!) and then attended a Sunday night wedding that was gorgeous, touching and quite fun. The highlight of the reception was the bride & groom's first dance but also a six year old boy, Seth, who stole the show with his dance moves.
Looking forward to dinner this week with little Seth and his family as Seth's older brother returns home from Texas for a visit.
How was your weekend?
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Beautiful children's rooms via krickelin-krickelin. You'd think I'd have children from all these children's room postings, but I don't. I do glean decor and storage ideas from the rooms though!
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First of all, these photos are from Si's blog French by Design. Totally worth checking out. (Hi, Si!!). Secondly, how pretty is this Parisian home? I have just finished looking at more than a few blog entries of homes that are filled with matchy-matchy items. I looked at my friend and declared matching items are so not my style. Then I saw these photos of Zoe's home and all was well with the world again!
That box with the red cross on it...where would one purchase it?
Those chairs! Those stunning, non-matching chairs!!!!
No upper cabinets. Nice.
all images: by Morten Holtum via French by Design
Posted in french, home / decor, industrial chic, kitchen, kitchen - dining | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
I have sweets on the brain. Chocolate, caramel, lemon name it...probably because I'm back at the gym putting in miles on the track and minutes in the pool. All that activity doesn't really go with eating sweets but I'd like it to go hand in hand!
With sugar on the brain and my stomach growling, I did some research and found this adorable company called Sweet Junkie. They have candies that I read about in British children's books and some I'd never heard of. I can't wait to try some pear drops! I should also try some of the sugar free candies as well - better for me.
Alright, if I can't have some candy this evening, I better go walk the track and listen to some Kenny G. Or maybe the Hairspray soundtrack!
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images by Zanotta via Solid Frog
Happy New Year! After the odd Friday morning, the rest of the day was great - as was the weekend. Friends stayed overnight Friday night and my mom visited all weekend. We drove very little, and alternated working on a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle, playing shanghai rummy, eating fresh meals cooked at home, and watching episodes of Fringe. (I'm addicted to the show but I'm not so sure my mom likes it as much as I do. Perhaps my attachment to the show is due to a little crush on the actor who plays "Peter Bishop" or my enjoyment of the frank, funny words by "Walter Bishop".)
My mom enjoyed her time so much that she declared it a vacation and wants to visit me once a month. Sounds good to me!
How was your weekend?
~ S.
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