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Here's a new-to-me blog that's Finnish: my 2nd life. Maiju is the author who decided to one day create a workplace at home. I don't know about you but I think it's adorable...because of the industrial chic. Maiju describes it this way (according to Google translating the text from Finnish to English!): One day I just got the idea to Build this kind of a small WorkPlace out of old furniture That I Already had occurred in my home. And I think it Came out quite nicely!
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Just picked this book up at the library. It's a new purchase by the library, and I'm the first to look at it. Am pretending it's my very own...for the next three weeks. Then someone else has asked to borrow it as well, so I must decide.....buy it? borrow it again? buy it? The book is larger than I expected it to be and so full of photos I can hardly stand it. Then when I pick it up to read it, I savor it and can only look at a page or two.
Either the book is that good or I need to get a life.
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Pretty pictures, lovely accessories, gorgeous room. Would you ever guess that this is a teachers' lounge that once looked like the photos below? Crazy the difference. It's the work of Brian Patrick Flynn - a talented designer and quite the witty writer. You can find the makeover on his blog and there's a NY Times article as well. It made the press because it was all done for free or minimal costs - with most products and labor being donated. Impressive!
now scroll up so you can "ooh" and "ahh" over the difference in the rooms.
The makeover was documented on Decor Demon and was "produced, designed, written, directed and styled by Brian Patrick Flynn with photography by Sarah Dorio"
EDITED: Hello! Brian Patrick Flynn just wrote that he has been hired to bring the Decor Demon vibe, style, content and brand to the table. As in the HGTV Design Happens blog. Here's what he'll be up to:
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Having one of THOSE days. Feel a bit off - and like I should be sad - but I'm not.... Just wondering what's going on?! Then to top it all off, I made some...."interesting" wardrobe choices this morning.
Am wearing an orange print dress. sounds odder than it is. it's cute..but a bit low in front..soooo I put on a brown military-ish jacket over it - all buttoned up to cover the chesticular area. Then because my contacts just wouldn't go in this morning - I put on my favorite glasses which are the new (cheap!) ($10) deep orchid colored frames on my glasses, and while putting on my glasses, noticed my nailcolor: dark red.
orange + brown + deep orchid + dark red. not so matchy, matchy, eh?
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I have new goals in my apartment: pretty bedding like Sandrine Place, a French stylist, has in her Paris flat, a mix of brightly colored furniture - painted fun colors and placed near each other, and a bright entryway with art and other whimsical bits.
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I have a basket like this to hold library books.
Seems great minds think alike.
I can never have too much. (well..actually I can. I have a tiny office half-full of empty containers.)
I am addicted to storage, and even told someone once, "Containers are my friends."
Since I have a pile of items that need a home + a pile of empty storage containers, I'm on the lookout for ways to store my stuff. Naturally I should give away most of the items, but some will stay and however will I store them? Let's take a look.
beeyoootiful shelves with items arranged so very neatly. hmm..perhaps this photo should be submitted to the blog "Items Organized Neatly" (that is the name, right?)
I have tried piggy banks but a jar works best for me. I use an oversized coin purse/evening bag as a wallet and dislike the build up of coins in it because the bag becomes heavy. Thus I take joy in dumping out the coins into a jar and watching the pile grow bigger!
Am not a tea drinker. Well, I've only ever tried barley tea from when my family lived in South Korea. But I love the simplicity of this storage and the great label on the lid. Plus I have a crush on Trader Joe's products - probably because I live 45 minutes from the closest store.
Just loving the pretty wallpaper behind the shoe cabinets.
A pretty, organized entryway to a studio apartment.
images: books in basket + green couch + coins + tea + wallpaper + entryway
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I was drawn to this home of William because he has "bon jour" artwork on the wall, but the more I looked around his home photos, the more I found to like. He has a flickr account and an etsy page. Here's a bit more about him.
"I am a designer from St. Paul, MN. I fell in love with photography while traveling around the world, studying architecture. India, Japan, and the Netherlands were so unlike my West St. Paul roots, I had to document everything I saw, from kite strings to street life, broken playgrounds to the Taj Mahal."
click each image for its source.
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Hello! It's a fine Monday! The weekend slipped by too quickly, don't you think? Maybe every weekend should be a three-day weekend. Yes...that would be lovely.
How was your weekend? Mine was spent reading a good novel, meeting friends for coffee and also for dinner, and spending time at church. I also checked out a new thrift store in town and found a great Coldwater Creek vest - perfect with a long sleeve tee for fall and found a beautiful purple shirt for my mom as well. Thrifting treasures brings big smiles!
Here's to a great week!
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With my newfound affection for lived in, cozy homes (must be the fall weather nudging me?), here's a glimpse into the flat of artemis & nao from Tales of a Junkaholic. They find and makeover treasures from flea markets and have also incorporated items from their wedding into the flat's decor. I really like that Artemis describes her little bedside area as a "cave" that she created in which to put her things. She also carved out a little dressing area in their tiny bedroom.
So it's Friday! Almost the weekend! Shouldn't I be hearing cheers from around the world?! For once, I have no plans for the weekend apart from going to church on Sunday and then grabbing coffee with a friend so we can catch up. It's kind of fun....this discovering what adventures await this weekend!
What will your weekend adventures be like?
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I'd love to shop here! Cute bag in the background!
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I dreamed of a bedroom like this when I was younger and an avid reader - a room tucked away in an attic-like setting..all white! It's now that I appreciate the industrial edge the desk gives the room. Cute cute cute.
Am typing this out in a cough-medicine, lack of sleep-induced daze. I literally don't know which way is up..yet I'm driving and working and getting some things done. Forgot to get creamer for my coffee so am making do with Coke which, since I haven't had it for awhile (umm four days), tastes too sweet to me today.
I'll tell you one thing though. This dazed state lends itself to being a truth serum, so if you have any questions for me, ask away. I'll tell you all I know.
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Posted in new-to-me blogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Discovered Frontliners via Brydie Brown. "Frontliners documents how people live at home when one turns into two or more. And what happens to passions when a new one comes along."
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And from the same home, this storage using bowls. I have some similar bowls that I wanted to use but didn't know how. Now I know. The bowls will sit on an antique dresser and hold jewelry and hair accessories.
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I'll be getting some of these for family and friends. And I'm getting the sequined coin purse in "lipstick" (shown below). 100% of the profits go to support the fight against breast cancer. Click here to visit the site. I'm lucky to live in Wisconsin. Kohls stores in Wisconsin are selling the items and the website has 'em as well. I don't work for kohls or Vera Wang..I just love pink things and coin purses, and I love to help the fight against breast cancer!
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Beautiful apartment that Dab Ito has (his blog). The apartment is so neat, organized, airy, spacious and just check out the brick interior! He is an avid thrift store shopper and finds vintage cameras and other cool items. I like his eye for design and collections.
many more photos of the apartment can be found here.
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Hello! Am just finishing up the long weekend. Has been nice to have a vacation day tacked onto the three-day weekend. Spent the day sniffling with a slight cold but also picking up some great library books and a few groceries. Exciting stuff! The weekend was more fun - played bananagrams and cards with family and friends, spent loads of time with the niece and nephews, watched Leverage* - Season 1 on DVD (free thanks to the library), and went to church with my mom and her best friend.
*Leverage. Holy cow. Great show. Amazing cast. The script is well written with no extra words. Each episode has cons, heists, humor and some romance.
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It's no secret that I love IKEA. However, when my sister in law Maya visited recently, she walked through and said "Cute IKEA apartment." That's great, since I love the store, but now it's time to inject some of my own personality and creativity into the apartment. Thus it was "happy happy joy joy" time to find that IKEA Family Live on Facebook has a photo section of creative homes using their products. Hope you like them as much as I do.
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Here's my niece, Mimo, before her first day of school. Apparently half-day kindergarten is not as fun as whole-day kindergarten because in the afternoon there's Art! and Computer! and "other good stuff!!" according to Mimosa. I have to say...she's a cute kindergärtner, isn't she?!
miss minimalist: no, I have not changed my name...but Francine at Miss Minimalist asked me if she could put my closet makeover on her blog..and she has. You can read about it here and it refers you to my other blog.
the holiday weekend is almost here (in the U.S.). What will you be doing with your extra long weekend?
I'm taking an extra day so will be on a mini-vacation from Saturday through Tuesday. Planning to see the new Drew Barrymore movie, clean some spots* out of the carpet with my new "rubba scrubba" tool from flylady, read, watch the first season of Leverage and visit family.
*This is not an ad for the rubba scrubba, but I have some stubborn spots in the beige carpeting I can't get out..and I'm a renter! I need to get the spots out if I ever plan to move out! So I got the rubba scrubba in the mail, bought some carpet cleaner at the dollar store, and the combo is getting out every spot! I have to use some elbow grease of course but the work is worth it. The carpeting looks so much better. Am working on it 15 minutes at a time because as flylady says, "You can do anything for fifteen minutes!"
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Love this video of dances from movies - set to Footloose. Must remember to buy Footloose from iTunes!
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